Home » Apix invoicing platform for online invoicing

Apix invoicing platform – Send and receive all of your invoices online

Apix invoicing platform, Laskumappi, is an easy way to send 100% of your invoices. Just click “Send” and your invoices are delivered to your customer either as e-invoices or via mail – the way your customer want’s to receive them.

It is equally as easy to receive all of your invoices into the service.

When all your invoices are in one place, it is easy to stay organized and you know, whether an invoice was sent or not. You can also browse the invoices online and send copies to your bookkeeper.

Apix invoicing platform, Laskumappi, is an easy way to send your invoices.

Features that make invoicing easy

  • Send

    When you send an invoice, Apix looks for the up-to-date e-invoicing address for your customer. If no address is found, the invoice is sent via regular mail.

    On average, Apix users get > 90% invoices sent as e-invoices in Finland.

    The figure is this high since Apix maintains it’s own address register in addition to using public registers.

  • Receive

    When you click on the invoice reception, you will start receiving your e-invoices into the service.

    You can receive also the rest of your invoices via the platform by connecting to Apix scanning service. Letter invoices and PDF-invoices sent via email will be digitized before they are delivered to you.

    Just inform your new invoicing addresses to your suppliers.

  • Archive

    Delivered invoices are automatically archived for 3 months.

    As an additional service you can store also your other documents into the archive.

  • Product and customer registers

    Product and customer registers are created automatically based on the sent invoices.

  • Circulate and approve

    If you choose the do so, there is an option to use a simple email-based invoice approval flow.

    It’s free.

  • Credit information

    The service shows if your suppliers or customers have credit problems.

    You can buy a detailed credit report in the service.

Sensible pricing

Apix invoicing platform is free to take into use. There are no monthly fees. Pay only for the sent or the received invoices.

To start sending invoices, you need to buy credit (“virtual stamps”). See the pricing.

Connect your ERP or finance software

If you have an ERP or a finance software, it is easy to connect them into Apix invoicing platform. Send and receive invoices within your system. No need to log into Apix invoicing platform.

Start now!

You can start sending and receiving invoices immediately after the registration. Just remember to buy credits.

Your new invoicing addresses will be delivered to you right after the registration has been processed.